A Non-Traditional Approach to Stress

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There are so many people looking for a non-traditional approach to dealing with stress.

The functional medicine industry is growing by leaps and bounds because people are realizing our body, like a car, might be made up of different systems but all of them work cohesively and rely on one another to function so why not treat it as one whole entity?  Unless you get to the root cause of the issue, you are going to continue to have problems.  You can put gas in the car over and over but if there is a leak, it will always run out.  This goes for mental health as well.

Overcoming Struggles and Hardships

Looking back at various struggles and hardships that took me way too long to overcome, I would have given anything to have had a mentor to ease me through all my stressful situations with a single approach in a simplified manner to give me the confidence needed to handle whatever was coming my way. Although I am pretty good with adapting to change overall, the big transitions in life are when I seemed to have had the most amount of stress and therefore anxiety and self-doubt while getting through them.  Do you find this to be the case with you too?  We get so caught up in living life and the normalcy of it’s changing seasons that we don’t realize when we are in the thick of it, the magnitude of the uncertainty we feel and how it can affect us in the long run.

Tired of Piecemeal Remedies?

So, are you among those, like me, who realize that all areas of life, belief in yourself, relationships, school/work life and health & wellness are intertwined together and are tired of piecemeal remedies that usually don't get addressed until it's deemed worthy?  I have had more than my fair share of physical, mental, emotional, educational, personal, professional, parental, relational and nutritional challenges and was sent in at least 9 different directions trying to find answers and move on.  As a result I quite often chose to just ignore the problem and sweep it under the rug until I would end up tripping on it too many times to continue to ignore, getting more and more hurt in the process.  But I just didn’t have the energy to jump through all the different hoops.

Stress and the Root Cause

Stress may show up in a variety of ways in our lives but like our bodies, it usually has a fundamental root cause (or causes) that is the basis for all of it, especially since stress is not necessarily caused by the issue or event itself, but rather how we choose to respond to the issue or event.  .  

Why should we have to wait until everyday stress becomes burdensome to the point that it is having a detrimental or tragic affect on our lives to seek help?   It just doesn’t seem right to me that it should be that difficult to get the support we need.  I am one single person so why should each issue be dealt with separately?  

  Life on Your Terms

Truly knowing, understanding, accepting and embracing yourself for who you are authentically sets you on the path to living life on your own terms for yourself.  Whether it be a physical, mental, emotional, educational, personal, professional, parental, relational or nutritional obstacle causing you stress, learning how you do things best naturally through your personal strengths order and having a strong emotional intelligence will guide you to the answers you are looking for without jumping through 9 different hoops to find them. 

Why Wait to Seek Support?  

“Become what you are looking for '' is a mantra that I take to heart and work to live up to everyday.  At my weakest I was looking for a mentor to guide me,  a non-traditional way of addressing my issues, an approach that would strengthen me as a whole person, someone who understood there is a root cause and could help me find it when I was blinded by overwhelm.  Now that I am at my strongest, I have become that mentor and guide with a passion to support you in the same manner I desired to be supported.


Live Life on Your Own Terms


Be Your Authentic Self