Be Your Authentic Self

I became completely enamored with Strengths when I saw how much they were showing up in every aspect of my life, health and wellness, work/school, relationships and belief in self.  Of course the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon was I’m sure at play as well, since I was now consciously aware of my Strengths, I noticed them more often but everything was completely authentic to who I really am.  

What Does Authentic Look Like to You ?

Living an authentic life will look different for each person but it is easy to get caught up in what the media, society or friends think that should look like for us.  Unfortunately, when we follow what is right for someone else we will be left feeling anything but authentic or free given that being authentic is actually what sets us free.  

The most basic definition of authentic is real; not fake.  Webster also lists true to one’s own personality, spirit or character, sincere with no pretensions.  Of course we all would like to think that is the way we view and present ourselves but to be truly authentic we must first be incredibly self-aware, something many people struggle with especially when it comes to being fully honest about our health and wellness. 

Are You Honest With Yourself?

This honesty would lead to a responsibility we are not taught as a society to take.  It is much easier and more widely accepted to be victims of what goes on with our bodies.  But learning and living in our own personal Strengths can help guide us to approach living a more healthy lifestyle without feeling overwhelmed by thinking we have to make a bunch of changes that aren’t in line with who we are and how we live in order to achieve what we want. They give us control back over ourselves.

For example, knowing my Strengths has helped me be able to learn how to set goals/targets my way, concentrate on what motivates me, know which rewards mean the most to me and be aware of what excuses I make and why.  Does this mean that I am now the perfect picture of health?  Definitely not, but it does mean that I am much more aware of the best way for me to take matters into my own hands, feel empowered enough to know that I am in control of my wellness and can acknowledge and admit to when I’m off course and need to get back on track.

Get on Track

Speaking of getting on track, I realized even more with the death of my dad this summer that life is short so I recently made the big decision to let my job at the school go and put all of my energy into moving forward with my mentoring business. As scary as that choice was to make, it is already paying off with several new opportunities coming my way. 

Change and especially self-induced change can be very nerve wracking but the best way to go about it is to authentically look at ourselves as a whole person.  When it comes to work/school life the pressure we may feel to measure up or meet expectations can make being true to ourselves challenging.   As I tell my student clients, you are not your grades and I tell my adult clients, you are not your job.  Now if you have the Achiever strength high, you may be motivated by hitting certain marks and that is great because it is you being authentic.  But we need to remember that is not the case for everyone and even those people need to be aware of the differentiation of what you do and who you are. 

The EQ - Strengths Connection

For students who are still trying to find their way, the Strengths based emotional intelligence program I have created gives them a tangible resource to depend on when feeling anxious and overwhelmed.   

If you would like to learn how to best go about your work/school life authentically and keep it in perspective as to who you are by honoring the work/life balance so many are searching for, I would love to connect and  go through your personal Strengths order together and reduce unnecessary stress in your life.  As much as I love obtaining all kinds of new information regarding emotional intelligence and Strengths, it’s the friendships I am building, rekindling and nurturing that feed my soul especially due to these very trying times we are now living in that are testing relationships on all levels.


I would love to connect with you to discuss further!  Feel free to reach out, join my email list and set up a free consultation so you can feel empowered everyday by strengthening who you are to live your authentic life.


A Non-Traditional Approach to Stress


Start Your Strengths Journey