Let’s Talk EQ ROI

Due to everything going on in our world right now, it’s hard to know where to invest to help set yourself up for a successful future. There’s so much instability and volatility that we’re often confused and overwhelmed as to which direction to go. We ultimately just want peace of mind and to know that our efforts are going to pay off in the long run. No one can afford to waste money, time and energy, especially now. I have been lucky enough to find an investment that keeps growing no matter what the economy is doing. Can you guess what it is?

Nope, it’s not a particular stock, bond, crypto currency, lottery or business opportunity. It’s ME! Given that emotional intelligence accounts for 80% of success in life, investing in yourself is the safest bet for the most rewarding outcome. You will not see a return on investment more worthwhile than learning how to enjoy life on a higher level. 

Investing in yourself sets you up for living a successful life on your own terms.  When we don’t feel strong about who we are and how we do things best we are living with a deficit we may not even realize exists until one day we wake up and find ourselves in a recession or full on depression.  There are expectations set on what investing in our future looks like and quite often personal development is viewed more as a luxury item rather than the foundation for growth.  

We are so busy trying to stay afloat and keep up with what others or society in general tell us is success but for some reason we can’t figure out why it doesn’t add up for us.  It’s because we are caving into the pressure to measure up instead of quantifying to ourselves how important it is to live authentically.  

One of the leading contributing factors to depression and anxiety is thinking we should be more like someone or something else and less like ourselves.  We may feel like we are too much or not enough but yet do everything but get to the root cause of these life imposing feelings.  If we are not debilitated by something, we often just let it go, instead putting all of our time, money and energy into the very things that are leading to us feeling so out of sorts.  

Having a true awareness, understanding, acceptance and embracement of who we are and how we do things best sets us up for managing ourselves in a way that leaves us and others feeling empowered by using our unique gifts to find genuine success. Sounds great but how, especially when we are used to living complacently in the mediocre or thinking we are selfish by wanting more than we have now given that there are so many other things that need our resources.  My answer is simple.  Start with your Strengths.  Gaining an insight into them is a huge step in building the emotional intelligence needed for the return on investment of a lifetime.  The information I provide is what I wish I would have known about myself years ago but I was too caught up in life to invest in me.  It took me 48 years to realize that the traits I had been chastised for or were conditioned by others to think were unimportant or even a hindrance are actually what not only serves me best but are my gifts to others as well.  I am finally living according to my own terms and have seen success in every area of my life.  The only regret I have about investing in myself is that I waited so long to commit to putting my time, energy and money into learning to view my unique way of doing things as my greatest asset.    

Don’t take a gamble on yourself, your fulfillment, joy in life and success.   Find out how the traits you may take for granted or think are common or inconsequential will pay off for many years to come therefore are worth the investment.



