Try Something New 2022

I have noticed the trend of choosing a word of the year to help stay focused on what is to come.  But I have chosen a mantra for the year instead.  “Try something new in 2022.”  I plan to apply it to all areas of my life.  

Belief in myself - Leaning into my top Strengths more.  I have done a much better job of           living authentically, but still have the unapologetically aspect to work on. What I plan on trying new is not worrying about people’s opinions of me as much. 

Relationships - Letting go of expectations has been a huge benefit to all of my relationships and of course is a daily practice but I still struggle at times with setting boundaries for myself.  What I plan to try new is voicing how things affect me rather than just let them go. 

Work/school - Oh where do I begin?  Building this mentoring business from scratch has been one of the biggest challenges yet but has also filled me with immense happiness.  What I plan to try new is expand my audience by putting myself out there more.  

Health and wellness - I have come a long way with my diet but still have that sugar addiction to tackle.  What I plan to try new is stop going to Starbucks for my hot chocolate cravings. .  

Trying something new doesn’t mean altering who you are or having to make drastic changes.  It just means living with a lens of open mindedness and having a growth mindset.  I think so many of us are too comfortable with the same line of thinking or fixed mentality surrounding the way we choose to see or deal with things that we miss out on new perspectives.  I see this quite often when I suggest using essential oils to people who are suffering with annoying ailments.  

When challenged by something different from someone instead of immediately brushing it off or putting it or them down, maybe take a little time to do your own research into it and see for yourself.  Who knows you may actually find a solution or answer to something you have been struggling with?  Knowing and accepting who you are and how you do things best helps give you the confidence needed to be ok with and maybe even get excited about learning new approaches to struggles or even just be able to listen to another’s point of view without feeling conflict well up.  

Given that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result, maybe it is time to try something new to get a new outcome.  We all enjoy the familiar and some may even get downright uncomfortable with the idea of challenging ourselves.  However, the point of life is to grow and no matter how much you may fight it, change is inevitable. We all get older, why not get wiser as well?  

So who is with me?  It may sound simple enough but simple is not always easy and stepping outside of one’s comfort zone is definitely not very easy.  I know I will be relying on my Strengths to help stay true to myself while expanding my perspective and experiences.   Maybe a personalized explanation of your unique Strengths order from the CliftonStrengths Assessment is just what you need to feel confident enough to try something new in 2022?


Spring Awakening


Goals and Resolutions