Struggling With Relationships?

Trust me when I tell you that knowing and understanding your personal Strengths order will change that! 

Your Emotional Intelligence Level at Play

Quite often when we struggle with others, it is because we are actually struggling with ourselves. No matter who you are dealing with, if your emotional intelligence is not strong, it will never go well especially for any period of time.  It doesn’t matter what type of relationship, having that tangible resource to rely on is incredibly helpful.  Knowing your own Strengths order, in itself is huge but if you are able to learn the other person’s, even better.  

Using Your Strengths Foundation

Personally, knowing and understanding my Strengths has helped me to accept qualities about myself I thought were negative, but actually turn out to be my strongest attribute. 

I love meeting and engaging with new people but was criticized for being too flirty or assertive.  I have discovered through my own Strengths process to embrace my love of chitchat as a gift because I learn so much,  feel filled up after getting to know someone and love when I am able to help them in some way through that conversation.  I no longer beat myself up for not being driven by the need for accomplishment.  I am all about people, not numbers and that is ok, despite what I had been told for years. 

Embracing Your Authentic Self First

Embracing my authentic self has helped me to set healthy boundaries, express who I am and surround myself with people who know and accept me for me.  It feels amazing to no longer feel like I should be more like someone else to live up to other people’s expectations.  

Understanding Others Better

Knowing all of my son’s Strengths and explaining mine to them has created a new level of respect between us and curtails the typical parent/child stress that comes with thinking they should conduct themselves in certain ways that are created by parental perspectives.  

Client Experience

I also had a client experience that has stood out to me.  I was going through a 13 year old’s Strengths with his mom.  A strength that involves always pushing to the next level is low for him so he struggles with feeling like nothing is good enough.  Both parents have this Strength high on their orders so they get fueled by striving for the best. 

Once this major difference was revealed, they were able to understand and respect the difference in their son and have learned new ways to encourage him that resonate with his top Strengths.  

Respect One Another Without Changing Yourself

It is important to note that no one needs to nor should try to change who they are to accommodate someone else’s Strengths.  Knowing this information actually sets us up for the opposite.  When you live with a Strengths based mindset you honor each other’s unique qualities and appreciate the fact that you are and are meant to be different from one another.

Benefits of a Strengths Mentor

Now, if you have taken the CliftonStrengths Assessment and have not had this type of result  from the report given, I totally get it.  This is where working with a mentor such as myself, comes into play.  It is sort of like trying to learn a new sport by reading the rulebook versus being on a team, having a coach, practicing the drills and using the skills learned in a game.  I will walk you through your results in a manner that is personalized to you in a way that you will immediately connect with.   

Strengths provide a solid foundation of who you are and how you do things best which will give you the self confidence needed to expand your emotional intelligence and approach all relationships as a team player!


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