Does Change Make You Feel Anxious?

If you wonder why some people seem to take every new turn in life with stride while others get completely side swiped by them, look no further than your personal Strengths.  Depending on where certain traits fall in your order, can determine how much stress and anxiety may accompany handling new circumstances. 

Learn How You Do Things Best

Keep in mind, the purpose of knowing your Strengths is not to determine WHAT you should or shouldn’t do, or WHAT roles you should take on, they simply guide you in understanding HOW you do things and handle life best for you.  Tune into my Webinar on the Feel Empowered Everyday youtube channel for more details on that perspective. 

Given that we are all different and unique, there is no cookie cutter approach to dealing with whatever change or transition you may be facing.  We are meant to live life on our own terms, not how everyone else is and your Strengths plays a huge role in determining your terms. 

The Gift of a Resource

I have been through just about every major change life has to offer, some all in the same time frame and I can see now how my Strengths definitely showed up with each one.  I realize now that had I had this tangible resource as a guide, I would not have second guessed myself so much and would have been able to feel more secure about myself in the process. 

Empty nesting after being a stay at home mom for 25 years, divorcing, selling the house where I raised my kids, moving across the country to somewhere I didn’t know anyone and starting my first career all within a 2 year time frame, didn’t derail me and here’s why.  

Using Your Personal Strengths

I naturally connect with people especially when I can help move them forward.  In the case of this time of my life, I was the person I was connecting with and moving forward which was new for me.  I got to know myself as an individual and worked through things that weren’t authentic to me so I could begin to like myself.  I used the balance of my activator and strategic strengths to take action quickly yet thoughtfully.  I made a plan but adjusted it as need be.  I knew the only way to stop feeling stuck was to solve, not dwell on the problems along the way.  I connected with and communicated my needs to people who could help me.  Even though I gave myself grace and empathy to grieve, I never let myself have 2 bad days in a row to help stay positive throughout the process. 

I know now that when I was struggling the most it was due to overthinking, letting myself be in my head too much, including thinking I was failing.  Looking back to the past and overanalyzing situations brought me down and comparing myself to other people who were living the life I thought I should be took me to a dark place. 

Without even realizing it, what got me though was my inner belief that everything happens for a reason and life is a process, not something to achieve. So I tried to learn from my mistakes and put my focus on myself and those who accepted me for who I am.   Now that I am thriving on the other side of those changes and challenges, I know that it was all meant to be even though I wished differently at the time.  

Turn the Light On

Did I lean on and behave in these Strengths, without knowing the list of them? Of course I did, they are who I am. But being conscious of them makes things so much clearer now.  It’s like walking through your home in the dark.  Since it’s yours, you know where everything is and can maneuver through it ok without bumping into too much, but turning on a light just makes it that much easier. 

Going through your personal Strengths order is your light so if you are feeling stressed or in the dark due to  a life transition you are facing, let's connect and I will use your own Strengths to guide you through it in a way that is authentic to who you are.


Comparing Yourself to Others


Feeling Pressured to go the College Route?