How do I get there?

Your Strengths are unique to you.

  • We all share similar traits. But they way they show up for each is unlike anyone else.

  • It is statistically impossible that any two people on the planet will have all 34 strengths in the same order.

  • When understood, they can serve as a personal road map to how you do things best

    Let’s learn your very own Strengths order so you understand how you impact the world in a way no one else can.


What is a Strengths based life?


Living a Strengths-based life is about focusing on and developing your natural talents rather than putting your energy into your weaknesses.

More often than not, we are told repeatedly about our weaknesses and that we need to “fix” them.

Nothing could be further from the truth if you want to truly reach your own potential.


Why are Strengths important?


Knowing how Strengths interact with and depend upon the order of one another along with learning how to live in your top 10, recognize when you dip into your bottom 5 and navigate according to your dominant domains will make all the difference in being able to rely on them in your everyday life.


Who will benefit?


Teens and adults who feel stress or pressure to be someone they are not in order to meet expectations.

If you do not possess the natural ability to do something, it will be that much harder for you to master it which will cause you to waste time and effort on something that will not get you further along, not to mention cause unnecessary stress. Limited information leads to limited thinking, therefore the more we know, understand and accept ourselves and one another the more respect will flow between teens, young adults, parents and teachers. Everyone benefits.

A Strengths Assessment helps teens and adults understand their individual natural talents.

Each trait assessed falls into one of four dominant domains which can be used as a quick reference when a generalization is useful.



People who have executing Strengths high on their list naturally make sure things are done the right way. They would prefer to take their trip via a jet because they are more about the end result than the journey.

relationship building

Relationship Builders

People who have relationship building Strengths high on their list naturally connect with the right people. They prefer to travel by automobile so they can stop along the way to meet, visit and spend time with people.


People who have influencing Strengths high on their list naturally help move people forward. They would choose to go by train so they can pick up and bring along as many people as possible.

strategic thinkers

Strategic Thinkers

People who have strategic thinking Strengths high on their list naturally think, create and learn. They would spend most of their time on planning the trip to find the most efficient way.


Strengths has nothing to do with WHAT you can or cannot do, they are HOW you do everything your way and I will help guide you to follow your own roadmap to living a life where you feel empowered everyday.

- Strengths Golden Rule


Are you ready to

feel empowered everyday by Strengthening who you are?