Spring Challenge

~ Freshen Up ~

May 4th - 25th

Wednesday’s 7 - 7:45 EST

Via Zoom

As you open the windows to let in the season’s warm fresh air and roll up your sleeves to do some deep Spring cleaning, I challenge you to do some deep diving as well.

Pick a struggle you have been stressed about and let's clean it up with a fresh solution.

Maybe you have a relationship that has been on the rocks, something at work has been eating away at you, or that lingering health issue just won’t go away. It could be that you want more in life but are not sure how or where to find it. Or you are facing something new that you just can’t come to grips with?

Just as the task of cleaning out the garage, purging your closets, reorganizing kitchen cabinets, washing windows or dusting all the blinds can be overwhelming, if we ignore them and let them go, we will eventually face a big dirty mess.

The same rings true for a variety of issues in life that need freshening up. Even though the task of doing so seems daunting, if we let them go, they will fester and become a big burdensome mess.

Avoidance is not the answer.

The easiest way to tackle any consuming, unbearable endeavor is by applying useful tools and breaking the job down into smaller, actionable, achievable steps. When you take on one closet at a time rather than every one in the house, it seems more doable. When you use bags and boxes for the giveaways and bins, labels and hooks to reorganize what you’re keeping, it makes the process not only make sense but creates a beneficial system going forward.

No matter what area of life it is you are needing to freshen up, knowing and relying on your own personal Strengths is the perfect tool to set up the process that makes sense for you to be guided through the actionable and achievable steps of building the emotional intelligence needed to create a beneficial system going forward.

It’s no secret that many hands make light work so just as having someone help you get through your Spring cleaning to-do list, it is just as useful to have someone help you get through your Spring freshen up challenge. Why wait, declutter your mess and your mind today!

Step 1


Upon sign up I will send you a code to take the CliftonStrengths Assessment online through Gallup.

*If you have already gone through your Strengths with me, jump to Step 3

Step 2


We will meet privately prior to May 4th for your personal Strengths Explanation to better prepare you for the challenge content.

We will also discuss the struggle you would like to address during the challenge.

Step 3


Join the live group zoom calls each Wednesday.

I will present general Strengths based emotional intelligence strategies to rely on for new, fresh solutions.

* Private details can remain private if you prefer. You can choose to share as much or as little regarding your personal struggle.

Prices good through May 1st

  • $630 value offered at

  • $495 for new clients

  • $345 for previous clients