Discover an Alternative Education Option with Post High School Learning Pods.

  • College is not in the cards for you right now

  • Not interested in trade school or the military

  • Want to do something of your own but don’t want to work on it alone

  • Looking for a fulfilling career, not just a job

    If you know you have something to offer the world but are just not sure what it is or how to go about it on your own? Look no further than this new independent yet collaborative concept.

learning pod

What are PHS Learning Pods?


Simply answered, a non-traditional approach to education. Even prior to schools and universities only offering virtual classes during the pandemic, we were on the cusp of a self-education revolution. Many are realizing the ease and practicality of online learning. However, as we all experienced, working solely via a computer can be quite isolating. We are meant to socialize and collaborate but especially given the current circumstances, traditional means of education do not work for everyone. Come join a group of like minded people who are interested in furthering their education on their own terms with the support and community of others on the same path.

Why are Learning Pods important?


Anxiety is at an all time high especially for students. The added pressure to make the grades to get accepted into college, not to mention the stress involved in how to pay for skyrocketing tuition is daunting for many. Options are limited for those who are not college bound yet not interested in trade school. Just because options are limited doesn’t mean talent, motivation, work ethic and capabilities are limited as well.

Who will benefit?


Students and businesses alike will benefit from the education obtained through PHS Learning Pods. It is open to anyone who is looking to take advantage of all the valuable programs available online but prefer to work with a collaborative in person environment. Members must be motivated self learners who are willing and able to share with one another knowledge gained.

Businesses will find highly employable people who have not only gained education in specific fields but professional and personal development skills alike. The training to understand their unique Strengths coupled with a strong emotional intelligence will set them apart from other applicants.

Develop Your Skills

learning pod

Work independently through an online program of your choice, share your information gathered with others in the group and learn from multiple expert professionals currently in your field of study.

Facilitator versus Teacher

learning pod

Learn in a completely different environment. No teachers, professors, tests, exams or grades. You will be guided by a facilitator to ensure everyone is participating and contributing. Professional accountability with an emphasis on personal development.


“This is something you just have to experience to appreciate.”

— Candace L.


Are you ready to

feel empowered everyday by Strengthening who you are?