What are the advantages?

Living in your own Strengths is a great way to fast track the process of developing emotional intelligence which provides a strong foundation of empowerment. 

  • Having this knowledge as early as the teen years reduces struggles and sets one up for success in all areas of life.

  • It’s never too late to grow. Learning more about yourself at any age and stage in life not only benefits you, but those around you as well.

A prominent contributing factor to anxiety is thinking we need to be more like someone else and less like ourselves. Leaning into your own Strengths minimizes this source of stress.

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The Teen Years

There is a dramatic increase in anxiety and depression especially among teens and young adults. This is quite often brought on by the feeling that they are not enough by simply being themselves. Trying to live up to expectations causes pressure to be like or measure up to someone else.

Parents can help alleviate this stress by parenting to their child’s unique Strengths. Being able to identify their strengths and help leverage them so they can thrive in a way that comes naturally communicates to your teen that you acknowledge and support who they are as an individual.

Because you are encouraging your child to be themselves and are focusing on their positive traits, you are able to connect more easily with them which will improve upon your relationship.

By helping your child understand their strengths, you are setting them up for a life of possibilities sparking inherent conviction which will lead them to success within themselves, with others and on the roads they decide to travel.

The Adult Years

Are you struggling with parenting or with a life transition of your own? As passionate as I am about helping teenagers, it was everything that I have overcome in my adult life that acted as the catalyst for my desire to help others find their way to living an empowered life. I connect on a personal, professional and parental level with adults who are looking for support in dealing with everyday stress. Whether you are new to adulting, are struggling with parenting, divorcing, changing jobs, moving location, empty nesting or are retiring, being able to rely on your personal Strengths order and increased emotional intelligence will guide you through the transition with more confidence and ease.

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When people feel self empowered they are less likely to feel the need to exert their power over others.


There is nothing more difficult as a parent than letting your kids pave their own way especially when that entails seeing them crash and burn from time to time. But there is nothing more disempowering than doing everything for them to prevent those accidents. When you know your teen’s Strengths order, it helps you guide them in a way that encourages them to act authentically to themselves which sets them on the course to true success.


“My partner and I gained a better understanding of how to communicate more effectively after Elle compared our Strengths. What a great addition to therapy, coaching, self-exploration and personal growth. ”

— Kim T.

Are you ready to

feel empowered everyday by Strengthening who you are?